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I’d like to tell you that I didn’t go back for thirds but that would be a lie (Picture: Rachel Adams)

‘I slept with him again,’ I tell my friend as she takes another sip from her wine glass.

We’re at our local bar, enjoying one of our favourite pastimes: recounting the sexual exploits – and, quite often, awkward experiences – that we’ve had since we last saw each other.

Part of this process involves analysing everything that happened in minute detail.

On this occasion, I have confessed to having sex with a former flame who I dumped months earlier because he is not worth my time.

We have an amazing sexual spark but that’s where the good times end.

He is emotionally unavailable, doesn’t treat me particularly nicely outside of the bedroom and is, by anyone’s standards, a bit of an arse.

These are all things that I knew before I decided to jump into bed with him for the second time.

My friend and I never mince our words, so I am not surprised when she pulls her wine glass away from her face to tut at me and says I should have sworn him off.

She’s right. And I’d like to tell you that I didn’t go back for thirds but that would be a lie. 

I’ve had my fair share of lovers over the years.

When the horn hit, there was no telling what might happen (Picture: Rachel Adams)

Nowadays, I choose them with care. But when I was younger, my vagina determined who I shared my bed with – and she had a hungry appetite with a mind of her own. 

When the horn hit, there was no telling what might happen.

There’s a certain delicious sensation that comes with doing something naughty, like shagging someone you shouldn’t, but such experiences also often come with a dollop of guilt.

It has taken me over 10 years to realise there is absolutely no point in torturing yourself for sleeping with the ‘wrong’ person.

Hopefully, reading about my mistakes – and why I no longer regret them – will make you feel just a little bit better about your own.

Over a decade ago, I was in a nightclub when I met a hot stranger in the toilet queue.

He was charming, charismatic and cocky – my three favourite qualities in a man when I was in my early 20s (I’ve since upgraded my criteria).

Within minutes, we’d swapped numbers but I didn’t think anything would come of it.

A few nights later, he texted me and we organised casual drinks at the pub. We ended up making out by the bins outside his house, before heading inside to get down and dirty. How romantic, eh?

I can’t fault the sex – he was great in bed. The problems started afterwards.

This man played me hot-and-cold for weeks, texting me at his leisure and only replying when he felt like it.

When my body was in ecstasy, I forgot all of the valid reasons that I should leave his bed (Picture: Rachel Adams)

He would invite me over for sex but never had time for a real date. He would give me just enough affection to keep me hooked but never commit – and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Throughout our entire ‘faux-lationship’, I punished myself for not giving him up. I chastised myself for getting naked with him.

Especially because the sex was so damn good. 

When my body was in ecstasy, I forgot all of the valid reasons that I should leave his bed.

I tried to end it a few times. I would delete his number but then put it back into my phone (I had a note with it written down) or tell him that I was done – but then he would coax me back.

Eventually, he moved to another city for work and we lost touch. 

I felt humiliated and silly for believing that he would ‘change’ and for having enjoyed sex with such a disrespectful person. 

How could I possibly be attracted to such an awful man?

This wasn’t the only time I chose a sexual partner poorly. I once had a brief fling with someone who hit on my friend just hours after sleeping with me. 

But somehow, I blamed myself. 

What are your stories of sleeping with the wrong person? Have your say in the commentsComment Now

I told myself I was too horny, too slutty (I’ve since reclaimed this word) or had somehow brought this on myself.

Almost every person I’ve talked to about sex and dating has told me similar tales – it always comes back to an obsession with guilt-tripping ourselves for our sexual and romantic experiences and urges, even though there is no benefit to it.

The truth is that we all f*** up, we all make bad choices – it’s human nature.

But none of us, regardless of who we have sex with, deserve to be treated badly.

I have spent so many years beating myself up over my choice in sexual partner – but it stops here.

Now, I choose to remember the good times. 

Instead of feeling bad, I choose to laugh at the lovers who weren’t adult enough to treat me with respect and I hope that they have grown up.

It has taken time to accept that no one is perfect but I don’t regret my sex life. The good, the bad, the ugly – all of these experiences have led me to become the person I am today.

Holding on to guilt doesn’t serve me and it won’t serve you, either.

So you shagged someone you shouldn’t have. So, what?

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As they say, you win some, you lose some. Learn from the mistake, dust yourself off and move on to the next one.

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