You’ve been drinking wine all wrong (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Summer is getting a last hurrah with a spell of warm weather forecast for the weekend, so let’s get our wine temperature right then, shall we?

Forget faffing with thermometers and ice buckets, as there’s a far easier way to make sure you get it spot on.

Thanks to the brilliant ’20/20 rule’ you’ll be able to serve your white, rosé and red wine to the perfect temperature. Every time.

It’s one of the best things you’ll learn this week – you can thank me later.

You’re drinking wine all wrong

As a nation, we drink our whites and rosés too cold, which is problematic. We leave them languishing in ice buckets or fridges to chill into insignificance. Hands up if you’re a repeat offender?

Sure, it makes for a refreshing drink, but what about all that hard-won fruit character that’s being hidden by the cold? It’s an affront to the poor old winemaker. I mean, we might as well be drinking alcoholic water.

The red situation is even more dire. We’re leaving them in kitchens, under lights and on bar counters next to dishwashers or hobs.

What does warm red wine mean for the flavour? The alcohol sticks out leaving the wine flat, blousy and flabby, and no one wants a flabby wine, trust me.

Of course, on the other hand, serve red wine too cold and the drying tannins will become overwhelming and the fruit flavours turn puny.

Here comes the wine science…

Scientifically, red, white and rosé wines require slightly different treatment (Picture: Getty Images)

Red wine is a complex and ever-evolving solution of chemicals and organic compounds all interacting with each other as the wine ages, including water, alcohol, glycerol (for body), tannins (for structure), phenolics (for structure), organic acids (for flavour), anthocyanins (for colour) and flavanols (for colour).

Whacking up the temperature makes these reactions happen faster, messing with the internal chemistry that gives red wine its flavour.

Looking at white and rosé, basic science tells us that raising the serving temperature of a wine allows flavour compounds to evaporate and rise straight up our noses to the olfactory nerve where they’re received. Likewise, bringing down the temperature of a red keeps the perceived alcohol levels in check and the flavours balanced.

Don’t forget, we have around 4,000 taste buds on the top and sides of our tongue, allowing us to distinguish around 10,000 flavours. Temperature has a massive impact on the taste intensity of sour, sweet, bitter and astringency, stopping our ‘pleasure receptors’ from being able to do their job properly.

It’s not your fault

Don’t beat yourself up, it’s catch-22 situation. Order a bottle of Chablis in a bar or restaurant and it’s plonked straight into an ice bucket. It’s not necessarily the sommelier’s fault either, they’re just giving you what they think you want, which is ice-cold white wine.

Likewise, your bottle of red has likely been grabbed at the height of service, opened in front of you then poured swiftly into your glass in an environment where ‘room temperature’ is steadily creeping above the recommended 20°C.

Enter the 20/20 rule for drinking wine

It’s simple (Credits: Getty Images)

So, what is this miraculous rule and how does it solve the problem?

It’s pretty simple: 20 minutes before you drink your bottle of white or rosé, take it out of the fridge. 20 minutes before you drink your bottle of red, put it in the fridge. All you need is a timer, a bottle of wine and a fridge.

Out for a meal? Swap out the white and red in the ice bucket, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.

Test it out yourself by taking three glasses for each wine, overchilling one, underchilling another and making one the perfect temperature.

20 minutes out


Mar De Frades Albariño Atlántico, Spain, £17.99, Tesco

A pristine example of Albariño, that citrussy, peachy, slightly salty white from Galicia in northern Spain. Who’d want to miss out on those flavours via overchilling? Pricey, but when the wine is chilled to perfection (around 8-9°C) a small boat appears on the label and disappears when it’s too warm. Novel and handy.

Take out for 20 minutes – Mar de Frades Albarino Atlantico, £17.99, Tesco (Picture: Tesco)


Specially Selected Rosorange Rosé, France, £9.99, Aldi

You’ll have seen this wine blowing up on social media. That’s because of its Insta-TikTok-friendly packaging and because it’s a first-of-its-kind hybrid rosé orange wine.

What’s that? It’s a blend of a rosé, made from red grapes, and an orange wine, made by leaving a white wine on its skins. The result is a dry, coral-coloured wine with quince and a-peel-ing orange zest notes, as well as a beautifully juicy texture.

Take out for 20 minutes – Specially Selected Rosorange Rose, £9.99, Aldi (Picture: Aldi)

20 minutes in


Zana Pinot Noir, Romania, £7 (save £1.25), Sainsbury’s

I was asked the other day for a wine tip, and I answered ‘Romanian wine’, as the country delivers some of the best value-to-quality at the moment. Cramele Recas is the main producer behind this, and this black cherry and warmly spiced light red is a cracking example. Don’t forget to chill it.

Put it in for 20 minutes – Zana Pinot Noir, £7, Sainsbury’s (Picture: Sainsbury’s)

This article was first published on April 13, 2024.

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