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There are few things I find more off-putting than being misled (Picture: Rachel Adams)

‘I’m hanging out with my kids later today,’ my lover tells me in a nonchalant voice while getting out of bed to put his jeans on.

For a few seconds, I’m stumped for words. Did he just say what I think he said?

Annoyance starts bubbling inside of me as I suddenly can’t wait for him to leave my house.

I am shocked that, during the 12 hours we have just spent together, Frank* has neglected to mention that he is a dad. 

Instead, he casually throws this tidbit at me while I am naked and vulnerable in bed. I feel like I have been taken for a ride – and not in a good way. 

There are few things I find more off-putting than being misled.

And omitting key information about yourself before sex is one of my most loathsome sexual faux pas.

Let me rewind for a moment.

Frank and I initially met on an app, before exchanging a few messages and organising to have drinks at a local bar.

Fresh out of a relationship, I was feeling hesitant about going on a date but knew it was time to put myself out there again. 

Or, at the very least, have some good sex.

Luckily, Frank was just my type: cocky and confident with a good beard. The sexual attraction was immediate.

I don’t mind dating men who have kids – as long as they are open and honest about it (Picture: Rachel Adams)

While enjoying our drinks, we talked about our lives, careers, hobbies – the usual stuff you’d discuss on a date.

But at no point during the three hours we spent at the bar did he hint at having children.

Let me make something clear.

While I don’t want kids of my own, I have nothing against tiny humans.

I am a godmother, have many nieces and nephews and am fondly known as ‘Auntie Allie’.

I also don’t mind dating men who have kids – as long as they are open and honest about it.

Frank didn’t outright lie about his paternal status but there was nothing about it on his dating profile.

Nor did he mention it during our date which, let’s be real, is a bit odd – especially considering the fact his children are under 18 (which I found out the next day).

Annoyingly, this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened in my dating life and I’ve found that men often wait until the sex is out of the way to reveal key information about themselves. 

Another past lover of mine did something perhaps even more shocking: He forgot to tell me that he was moving to another continent.

He could have told me of his emigration plans at any point, but he chose not to (Picture: Rachel Adams)

Alfie* and I had only hooked up a few times so I was under no illusions that our sexual relationship would develop into something serious.

We were f***buddies, through and through. But even so, I deserved his respect. 

We spent a whole night in bed together, chatting and having sex for hours. He could have told me of his emigration plans at any point, but he chose not to.

The next morning, Alfie woke me to say that he had to pack before his dad came to drive him to the airport.

I was so shocked that I didn’t even say much, just got dressed and said goodbye. 

Forever, apparently.

For anyone thinking that Alfie was making the whole thing up – and trust me, I wondered the same at first – there was plenty of proof on his social media weeks later with countless photos from the move.

Droves of women (and a few men) have shared similar tales with me. Each time, they say the same thing: ‘I just wish he/she had been honest with me.’

And therein lies today’s lesson.

Have you ever been misled by someone you were sleeping with?Comment Now

Misleading someone is never OK.

It’s alright if you want to share more of yourself as a relationship progresses but sex requires a certain level of forethought, regardless whether you are having a one-night-stand or looking for a long-term connection.

For instance, if you have an STI or other health condition that could affect your lover, you must always tell them beforehand.

If it’s a date and you only want something casual – or perhaps you’re polyamorous or in an open relationship – don’t be cowardly. Tell the other person what you’re looking for.

If you are worried that keeping someone fully informed will stop them from having sex with you, that just proves my point. 

If they don’t want to sleep with you because you’ve been honest, then that’s not only good for them, but good for you too. Why would you want to be intimate with someone who doesn’t accept you, or risk hurting another person? 

Never assume how someone else will react to what you tell them. 

Give your lover (or date) the chance to process the information and decide the next step themselves.

Honesty is sexy.

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*Names have been changed

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