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Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/

October marks the start of Libra season; the halfway point in the astrological year when we start reflecting on how we’ve spent the last six months.

What have you accomplished so far? What do you still want to do? What’s blocking your path towards creating the life you’ve always envisioned?

An Eclipse in Libra at the start of the month will help you find balance, but watch out for Venus in Sagittarius and a Full Moon in Aries on October 17, as these transits with both bring a hit of fiery (and perhaps slightly foolhardy) passion which could impact your judgment.

Ahead, you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of October 2024, with three tarot cards drawn for each sign and their meaning for you explained.


March 21 to April 20

Live a little, Aries (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aries for October: King of Swords, Death, Six of Wands

Meaning: Keep shining

You have had a kind of wake-up call regarding how you want to live your life. And it’s as simple as ‘isn’t it just easier if you enjoy it?’ After all, life goes on, no matter what, things happen, there’s never a perfect set of circumstances… so just enjoy what you can, as you can, whenever you can!

The King of Swords sees this mindset taking root and becoming your new default attitude. Death shows the immediate impact it makes, in a positive way. Suddenly things just feel lighter, less pressured, more pleasurable, more fun, more full of possibility. A relaxed mind is more able to be creative, after all.

The Six of Wands is the key card here, it’s like getting a ‘midas touch’ gift. Everything you do simply turns out great, simply because you are optimistic and vibrating positively, which attract more positivity in turn.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

What do you wish for? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Taurus for October: Nine of Cups, Temperance, Ten of Coins

Meaning: Wish making

Every wish has a price, right? Nothing comes for free. As long as you’re willing to pay that price, or face those consequences, then you can have what you wish for, but you’ve got to be openminded to that.

The Nine of Cups sees you manifesting, making something happen, pursuing a genuine passion. And getting it! Temperance shows the achievement of this goal can create unforeseen changes and shifts, a halo effect, a series of ripples… but that’s all part of the process. Anything new will create an impact.

The Ten of Coins see this dream focused on health, wealth, work or home. This is a happy-ever-after kind of vision, a long-term goal, a situation you want to make happen for your future. And you can! Know and be willing to pay the price, and this is yours!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

No half measures (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Gemini for October: Ten of Cups, Four of Wands, Two of Wands

Meaning: Focus is vital

You must follow your heartfelt passions. You are much more of a cerebral than emotional person, Gemini, but you do have great depths of feeling and it’s this side of you that needs to lead and make decisions this month.

The Ten of Cups asks you to focus your energies and intentions on things you love, people you adore, projects you can’t wait to begin, roles you feel you were born for. True passion.

The Two and Four of Wands promise that progress is possible but you need to prioritise and weed out the dead wood. You are a busy person with much going on and you can’t let that busyness distract you from these passions. You can’t dilute your power by spreading yourself too thinly right now. Zoom in, focus wholeheartedly, give something your all… and you will land what you want

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

The mist will lift soon (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Cancer for October: The Moon, Eight of Swords, Queen of Swords

Meaning: Clarity is coming

A month ahead of mental exploration and clarity, you are solving your own mysteries and unanswered questions and creating certainty and fact where there is currently chaos and confusion. The Queen of Swords helps you to be analytical, logical, and a little ruthless. You want to cut to the heart of matters and you can’t just rely on intuition and emotion, you need to establish facts, deal with reality, and create a certain narrative.

The Eight of Swords asks you to direct this laser beam at yourself too, and uncover your own role or influence in a situation, even if it’s negative (in fact, especially if it’s negative). How have you contributed to this? What are you doing that is upholding this illusion or unwelcome status quo? Maybe you need to change your approach or actions.

The Moon shines illuminating, cleansing and crystal-clear light over matters, suddenly it’s all so obvious, and that’s good because the next steps will emerge naturally from this clarity.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Honesty is the best policy here (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Leo for October: Page of Wands, Three of Swords, Ace of Swords

Meaning: Say it truthfully

A call-to-action this month, Leo, to be assertive and say how you feel without it coming off as aggressive, or passive aggressive. You have been sulking a little, nursing a wound. The Three of Swords shows that someone has done you wrong and you’re bristling about it.

The Page of Wands shows you have had a few attempts at tackling this, but they didn’t land, or land well enough. You can’t keep saying snide comments, avoiding someone, or feeling like you could explode. There has to be a better path.

And it appears with the cutting, clear, honest Ace of Swords. Move away from passivity and embrace assertiveness. Create and rehearse your speech (be it written or said aloud face to face). Establish what you need them to hear, if you want an apology (and for what), and how this has made you feel. Is there a ‘what next?’ or is this ‘the end’? Prepare, execute, review. This will be like a great weight has lifted from you. So, express yourself.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

You can do this (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Virgo for October: The Emperor, Knight of Swords, The Hierophant

Meaning: Embrace your power

Power cards this month, Virgo, so you need to step into your power, take control, be forthright and assertive, and believe in your own strength and ability. You are amazing. Others look up to you. The Emperor asks you to work on relationship power dynamics in your realm that feel unbalanced, unfair, or even negative. Are you being pushed around by someone? Time to fight back, change the pattern, act differently, or even withdraw…

The Knight of Swords will bring you the power and determination to start this process and see it through to a conclusion. Don’t back down. Force a change and, if you can’t, then let it be. Sometimes a break is necessary to reboot a dynamic.

The Hierophant asks you to also seek a coach, teacher, mentor, or person you can use as a wise sounding board. You keep a lot in your own head. You would benefit from talking it out, getting input, pressure testing your options. Seek this guidance and feel the immediate difference. A new source of power.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

A busy birthday (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Libra for October: King of Wands, Page of Coins, Ten of Wands

Meaning: So much to do

Your birthday season is here and, with it, comes your favourite expert activity- balancing. There is much to do, many demands, conflicting pressures, and a plethora of options. You need your analytical powers to help discern the priorities and your courage to keep moving and acting vs tipping into overthinking.

The Ten of Wands is the mantra of the month: ‘less is more’. Don’t take on too much because there’ll be a lot to do anyway. Keep it streamlined, save space, leave wriggle room in every week. The Page of Coins suggests you can learn a lot this October about yourself, your life, and what educational needs would help you get ahead in the future. Take on a learning mindset. Seek to extract a lesson or insight from everything that happens. Use your computer brain to make good judgments and discern your priorities shrewdly.

The King of Wands brings fun, adventure, spontaneity, and the courage to keep on moving, keep the momentum up, and keep ploughing through what will be a busy, demanding but very rewarding month.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

Give this your all, Scorpio (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Scorpio for October: Nine of Wands, Two of Coins, Seven of Wands

Meaning: Winning the battle

Throw everything you’ve got at it – including the kitchen sink! Whatever rivalry, competition, challenge or struggle you’re involved in, with the competing Seven of Wands, take on a strategy of abundance. Try every trick, leave no stone unturned, be overwhelming in your actions, remember that attack is often the best form of defence. Bamboozle them!

Then, whatever outcome unfolds, you know you did your best. The Two of Coins shows that somehow, somewhere, in this alchemy of options a magical combination will lock together and prove to be the key to unlocking your victory. But it comes via trial and error and via action vs thought.

The Nine of Wands is a big reassurance that you will win through here, overcome your obstacle, catch the prize, be the victor. And it won’t be hard, actually, it might even be fun. You enjoy proving people wrong, showing your mettle, and gaining the respect of others. You deserve it, Scorpio.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

Let The Sun shine in (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for October: Three of Wands, The Sun, Two of Swords

Meaning: Step into a glowing future

Happy, lucky days ahead for you this October, Sagittarius, with The Sun, which is the tarot’s most glowingly positive card. It can inspire international travel to sunny places so if you’re thinking of getting winter sun, then do! It also hints at love, joy, success, prosperity and adventure… all you need is confidence to put your dreams in motion.

The Two of Swords hints a big decision will unlock that, and perhaps you already know what that is! Something life-changing which you’ve long pondered about… well, now is the time to act!

The Three of Wands reveals the way towards this glowing future path will crop up spontaneously, unexpectedly, maybe with de ja vu or coincidence signalling its arrival. Be on alert and size the moment! Don’t procrastinate, recognise the signs and move forwards through this portal!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

Look for Taureans and Librans this October (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Capricorn for October: The Empress, Ace of Coins, Ace of Cups

Meaning: New love

A trio of cards which very much spell love, romance, friendship, family, fertility and pregnancy this October, so it feels as though matters of the heart are very much front and centre for you, and new news will make everything feel amazing.

The Empress is the love, passion, family, fertility and pregnancy card. It suggests that something new, relationship-wise, will be ‘birthed’ in your life (maybe even a new pet) this month ahead, reinforced by two Aces, which are also heralds of new beginnings. Ace of Cups is about new love, new chemistry, new passion, and, again, fertility. Ace of Coins is about new investments in home, health, wealth or work.

Often one new beginning triggers another, right? I suspect that something new will open up a whole plethora of new doors and paths for you in October and, along the way, new love will be one of those new options. Look for Taureans and Librans. Look for people you have immediate chemistry with and an instant attraction. This is the season for relationship building and making your wishes in love come true!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

Speak your truth (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aquarius for October: Eight of Wands, The Lovers, Justice

Meaning: Seeking clarity

You’ve got a lot to say this October, Aquarius, and it’s the actual saying of it that counts. Your thoughts alone don’t bring the clarity you seek, you need to pressure test these opinions and ideas out loud. Saying them will bring the certainty and clarity you need. Find confidants and trusted sounding boards and have some big discussions about life, love, and everything!

The Eight of Wands sees you using your network well. Justice sees you coming to clear conclusions about confusing or tricky subjects where you’re not currently sure where you stand. The Lovers reveals these situations have triggered deeper emotions and memories in you and perhaps that is what is clouding your analysis.

Talking it through will help to shed light on matters, and help you weed out the feeling from the thought. This is a valuable process. Your opinions will help your decisions this autumn and winter, so get clear now.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Pisces for October: Eight of Cups, King of Cups, Nine of Coins

Meaning: Setback leads to success

A small but stinging setback will happen this October, but you need to immediately put it into perspective and remember that, in terms of the big picture, this means very little. It’s a blip, that’s all. And, actually (here’s a secret), it’s a blip that was always meant to be because what’s lost was not meant for you… something better is!

The Eight of Cups is the setback, annoying but not significant so don’t overthink it or allow it to trigger a spiral of doom! Use your King of Cups emotional intelligence to recalibrate, get things in perspective, and plough ahead with optimism.

The Nine of Coins shows something amazing will sweep in to replace whatever was lost. Something related to work, health, wealth or home, with long-term potential. You are moving towards a more lucrative and rewarding pathway, let unseen forces guide you.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years of fortune telling experience and many happy clients all over the world. Join her tarot club on Patreon for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access.

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